Saturday, March 15, 2014

An Eiffel Tower cake for a Paris lover!

Along with my mother-in-law's cake from this weekend I also did a cake for my brother-in-law's mother-in-law....  a great new family member!

She loves anything that is Paris, so there was no doubt what type of cake. I love making simple clean cut cakes so I new the perfect style.

I made a 10 inch and an 8 inch cake.

The Eiffel tower is made from a chocolate mold, however I used Wilton's Color Mist to give it the silver look. I never knew I could use the color mist for chocolate!!! The endless possibilities!

The rosettes are meringue cookies, after all they are from France. The cookies were suppose to be red however I ran out of time and couldn't keep adding more red food coloring but I LOVE coral and that's what color they turned out....LOL

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