Monday, May 2, 2011

Phineas and Ferb

My kiddos love phineas and ferb so i was excited when my friend asked me to make her a cake for her step-daughter. I just had to come up with a girly version of this cartoon....

her's what i came up with:


  1. where did you get the characters at? My daughter wants a P & F for her party, shell be 3, but nothing is girly at all in terms of decor and cakes lol. Love this cake.

  2. Thank you! I know what you mean..... I simply used the wilton candy melts to create the yellow and pink daisies. I drew a daisy on a piece of paper (to use as a stencil) and the placed wax paper over it and basically traced it. Candice is a printout on cardstock. Good Luck!

    Oh and the characters on top of the cake were purchased at Toysrus, by my friend.
